Monday, September 03, 2007

Preparing for Pastor’s classes

The sun is shining! Maybe, just maybe the road will dry out so I can head on up to Lachiguiri. It does look like Felix is headed our way so pray it will change direction and head back out to sea. We have already had to change the date of our next Bible College course for the pastors because of the rain. The hotate bamboo, was taken the rest of the way to Lachiguiri. Pastor Damien had to leave it in a field as the road was impassable. He called Israel and it is now there with a minor problem. It is two feet too short. Oops!!

I was to pick up Joel Hernandez Saturday, who is helping with our sound editing and take him up to Lachiguiri so we could work from our studio but I had to redirect him to Huatulco instead. He arrived at 6AM and returned by bus to Oaxaca at 11PM. A very long but productive day. He is now doing video filming and editing, so I am excited because he says he is willing to help us on that end also. He has a great video at called "Viaje a la Mixteca". Click on Joel Hernandez Video's under Networking sites. At the moment it is only in Spanish but he has given us permission to subtitle it in English and then put it on our Bible College web page. His video is about a trip he made to a remote village where they have no electricity, very few Spanish speakers, few who know how to read. You can see how they live even if you can’t understand the language. This shows one reason why we are developing our online Indigenous Bible School for pastors. This Mixteca village has only one Christian who has found Christ. He was working in Mexico City. Now that he has returned to his village he hopes to start a church in his village.

Joel needs a new laptop computer to meet the demands of recording in remote areas. After talking to some of our Agape Mission board members we are working on providing this tool for him. This tool will also serve our school providing us with his expertise as a bonus to Agape. When we shared our decission with Joel he informed us that just two days before he had been asking the Lord for the right tools so he could do a better job for the Lord. He was awed that God answered this request so soon. We are committed to this and I know God will provide the funds on our side to cover the cost. A mission friend is coming down October 3rd and we will ask her to bring it down so Joel will have it as soon as possible. He does recordings for a number of different missions. Like myself and Garett's family, Joel also lives by faith. So this will be a very special blessing to them. Both Mike Hendricks and I have known him for many years, he has over nine years of experience working with recordings with Buenas Nuevas. He still has a good relationship with them and occasionally helps them. On his own he can serve many more of “we” missionaries.

I was talking to Garett (Diego) Jackson today and he is getting excited about this next class. Having taught and was the director at the Cristo Por Su Mundo Bible Institute in Baja he wants to adapt what he has to meet the needs of the remote Indigenous pastors. He just asked today if we have a projector and I was so happy to tell him, yes, that we do. I’m sure however he plans to use it, we will be able to put his graphics right on the class DVD video for future use.

Today as I wait for the roads to dry out I am trying to transfer data from one of our computers to our old computer as we need to wipe clean the hard drive and re-install programs. For me this is a major task, one I hate! So pray for me that I don’t get toooooooo frustrated.

You guys have a fantastic holiday today. Mexico doesn’t celebrate this holiday so I feel a little lonely today.

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