Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Road Hazards

I think I have enough material to write a thick book on driving Mexican roads. From my having to take out radiators in the middle of no where to head on collisions on curvy roads with a tour bus, hold ups etc. In a way some of these past stories were far more news worthy but I'd rather not have more of those days. Our new super highway to Lachiguiri has already started saving us many hours of time and less wear and tear on our vehicle. Last year they said it would be completed in July. They just forgot to say which year. It is going to take at least a year to build the bridge over the river just beyond Lachiguiri.

The week before the youth rally I had invited Garrett and Stephanie to bring their family up to Lachiguiri to see our mission and the garden classroom. We got past the paved section and had gone about thirty more minutes when we came to an area where several men were standing in the middle of the road and heaps of dirt lay across the road. After getting out of my jeep and walking to where the men were I asked what the problem was. The town of Jalapa Del Marques and Lachiguiri have been fighting for some time over where the line is between the two towns. Each claimed different locations. So Jalapa decided to dig a trench across the road at least four feet wide and four feet deep and of course no driving over this. I later heard they had 30 men waiting just beyond the trench. It would take about four or five hours to go in the back way. No way!, so we drove back to Jalapa Del Marques and had dinner. I had Virginia's 15 year old daughter Veronica with me. Garrett and family headed on back to Oaxaca City and Veronica and I spent the night at the restaurant. The next day we drove to Tehuantepec and found the Lachiguiri bus. The road was back to normal so we were able to go on to Lachiguiri. There is to be a meeting with all of Lachiguiri and engineers from Oaxaca and Mexico City this Friday as Lachiguiri claims to have the original papers for where the dividing line truly is. Lachiguiri benefit a large sum of money from the new interstate highway if they prove their case.

Then yesterday we were coming back out. I needed to come to Huatulco to check on our churches here, pay for the bamboo for the classroom and do email. Well we have had a lot of rain from the effects of hurricane Dean so I knew it was going to be soggy to say the least. Well there is a new shortcut. Having been on this a few days earlier I figured to pass by this time. Israel said we could get back on at a certain road. Big mistake. The road suddenly dropped straight down into slushy mud, curved around with only one lane. We swerved back and forth but actually got through. I'm getting too old for this. I had eaten only breakfast before leaving but we had been late in leaving so I decided to go all the way to Huatulco after letting Israel off in Tehuantepec. I passed through five military checkpoints and one Federal police checkpoint. in a two hour drive. Maybe because I'm an old lady and a gringa they didn't ask to go through my car. About one hour from Huatulco I suddenly come again to a roadblock. Political, I was told. Just sit there in your hot boiling car, starving, it will only be an hour. Before the hour was up more than my car was boiling. By the time I got to the house and unloaded I discovered no food in the house so had to head out to a restaurant.

Since I was already out, I then stopped by pastor Damien's place. His wife Rosalina had surgery and a fast growing growth removed from her breast. They will get the biopsy this Thursday. Pastor then took me down the street to where the new church is ready for services. They are calling the church Agape Missions Working for Christ. Pastor Damien has started a drug and alcohol center there and had a film showing about Christ for those there. Also the same has been done for our San Agustin church on the beach. They have a Ramada right down on the sand. I plan to go see it for myself tomorrow for their Wednesday night service. I left my camera in Lachiguiri so won't be able to get pictures yet.

I think I'll stop for the night and get some shuteye. Night all.


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