Thursday, July 12, 2007

Preparing to Return to Oaxaca

Hi all,

It seems like yesterday that I left Lachiguiri to visit the states and here I am sitting at the airport in Phoenix ready to return. So much has transpired. God has been good. We are ready to go forward with what God has given us as a vision to equip our pastors.

I recently read at the MAF mission site that there are between 2 and 3 million pastors in the world who have little or no formal training. MAF is the organization that Nate Saint was a part of.

As I've stated before, I have researched many correspondence type classes available and there is good material out there but not in the format I feel is needed for the remote village pastors who have only a minimal education and the country language is their second language. They are basically visual and oral in tradition.

That is the case in my part of Oaxaca. "My" people speak mainly one of six dialects of Zapotec or Mije as their first language. Spanish is for them their "market" language. I speak lousy Spanish but my vocabulary is greater than most of them. They can read the words in their Bibles but don't understand many of the words or ideas. That is how heresy starts.

Over the nineteen years I have worked with these people I have used many different methods to help these pastors and leaders. There are over 90 pastors and leaders in the area I cover from various denominations. Several years ago I brought in a Zapotec graduate of another Bible School to start classes. He wanted to use the same format he had in the school he came from. Nothing was wrong with that school or training but it didn't work for pastors who had to walk each day through rain and shine up to two hours each way.

I have brought in special training workshops for them that was very productive. The problem here was that when the teachers left most of the pastors could not work alone because of their lack of reading skills. With 27 communities that I serve I couldn't get to them often enough. Then we take them to various conferences and will continue this as they always need fresh anointing on their ministries and they do receive some good training. Conferences though are only a few days at most.

What the vision God gave me, was for at least a one year pastors school to equip them with the basics in understanding the Bible, how to preach a sermon and the duties of a pastor such as baptism, the Lords supper, pastoral counseling etc. I met with a group of other missionaries and Bible School directors and professors in Oaxaca City last year and we worked out a basic plan. God has now provided much of the equipment and some of the professors to get us started. We had our first class before I returned to the states in the middle of April. I will go into more detail in our Blog listed below.

Since coming back God has provided so much. First we have a few workers that God has laid on their hearts to come down to help with this vision. One friend wants to take off work for a week when we have the next class and do the video filming and teach some of the youth in Lachiguiri how to film. Agape Missions Project has authorized using Joel when needed to edit the audio sound for these classes. Others have said they would like to help with some of the illustrations and editing the video. We have also been given freely the rights to use other materials from lessons, Spanish Bibles versions, commentaries, dictionaries, videos, sound effects and much more from various sources.

Yes, this one project is costing a lot of money but I see it as an investment into the lives of pastors and their churches. Our desire is to give it freely to other missionaries to use for their remote pastors who would never have the means to pay for any training. Between those I already work with, others who say they can use the material in Oaxaca Mexico alone total over 500 leaders.

As I leave today, pray with me for my safety, my continued health, this vital project and all those who will participate, giving of their time and energy. We have already faced many obstacles and spiritual battles and at the same time many miracles and go ahead signs from the Lord.

The funds for this pastoral project comes in by faith and we do need more support to do this project right so please seek God to see if he would have you become a regular supporter toward helping to equip pastors through this vision. Eventually we will be sharing freely in all Spanish speaking countries where their is a need to educate those who are already pastors in remote areas. Support can be given to Agape Mission Projects at the address given below.

We still will be continuing our other ministries such as Bible translation, Children's and Youth ministries, prison ministries, etc.

May God enrich your lives so you can bless others through prayer, talent, financial support or even encouragement to those in the field.

Thank you for being my friend,

Sheri Burk
PS I am in the process of changing my email address to It is active so please change this in your address book. gmail is free and really helps manage your mail. The old yahoo address will still be available though.

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