Saturday, August 19, 2006

Lachiguiri Update

If you have been reading the latest update you are aware that God has supplied equipment to start a recording studio so we can give out Bible College lessons to the Indigenous Pastors plus we can now record the Books of Luke and John in the Zapotec language which is ready for publication. One of the first issues we faced was where to record these classes etc. When I then went to Lachiguiri I discovered that my neighbor right next door to me had decided he wanted to sell his property. Well he had asked a price and a cantina (bar) had made an offer to pay his price over a couple of years. He turned down that offer. He was asking equivalent to $6,000 dollars. I felt that was a little high myself but prices have really gone up because building materials are now quite high. Now that a highway is going past the town and there are now many engineers etc coming and going, prices on land has gone up. But when Wilbert found out I was interested in the land he told me his price was $8,000 dollars. I told him no way but did offer him $6,000 that he was originally asking. I told him I would bring the money to him in two weeks. That is today!

At the time I made the offer I had zero dollars to give him but by faith I believed if this was of God that He would provide. Well in the last two weeks God has supplied. Many of you have given sacrificially toward this property. I thank you for listening to the Lord on this. It sure does look like God wants us to have this exact piece but I want God's guidance and not just Sheri's wish. Please pray that if this is what God wants that first Wilbert will accept the offer and that he has found a place for him to move to that he needs to buy immediately or lose that and for a price he can afford.

On Monday the plan is to go to the town land office and have the papers all drawn up and then I will drive him to Tehuantepec (one and half hour drive) to the bank and write him a check that he can either cash or deposit. Then I hope he will be able to move his few possessions pretty quick so we can make the studio acoustically ready to proceed.

Meanwhile this coming week we will record one pamphlet of Jesus Calming the Sea in Zapotec that Israel translated some time back. One other recording we will do will be of Nely Dominguez singing her song she heard about a sad turtle. She came across this little song two weeks before I came up. When I asked if she had anything that would go with my story I wrote on a sad and sick turtle with a Bible application she immediately thought of this song. We will then record the turtle story, in Huatulco, for those who have puppets to play to the children in Bible Clubs etc. We also need a clip on one of our teachers teaching pastors. I will use these first clips to send you-all showing what God can do through this media for the villagers.

So pray about the offer, that if this God's plan that Wilbert will find a place to live and need to move there right away and that these first recordings will go relatively smooth. Also ask your church to pray about this too.

If you would be willing to be a part of a special Prayer team please let me know and I will put you on a special list and keep you updated for the needs to pray for.

Thanks, we are in this together for God's Kingdom.

Support may be sent to:
Agape Mission Projects
5126 W. Olive Ave. # 183
Glendale, AZ 85302-4209

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