Monday, July 17, 2006

Lachiguiri Update
Just want to make a quick report as to what God has been doing since I returned to Oaxaca earlier this month.

When I left Phoenix on the 6th of July I was detained overnight because of a storm in Houston , Texas , so the airline put me up in a hotel, delaying my arrival in Oaxaca until the following evening. God was in control of all things as there was a strike with the teachers of Oaxaca and they had the roads blocked to the airport so no one could come in or out to pick me up on my arrival. All had momentarily calmed down by the time I finally arrived.

After Pastor Armando picked my up we went to Sam's Club (in Oaxaca) to buy all the food and supplies for the outreach campaign we are now having with the church Pure Heart from Phoenix, Arizona and one church from Mexico City. The two churches have ministered with us with fiestas and our youth camps over the last several years.

During this trip we have experienced a few set backs but as we find in I Thessalonians 1:5 we know that all this trouble is a clear sign that God has decided to make us fit for His kingdom. First the transportation we thought we would have wasn't available and because the phone lines were down we couldn't reach Pastor Acisclo to come for us. We had to hire a brother from Jalapa Del Marquis and finally got to Lachiguiri. The radiator on the pick-up overheated on the way up and we had to repair it. Other vehicle problems such as tires shredding apart have delayed us arriving on time at each village. And lots of rain! Yuck. Of course this is the rainy season.

BUT!!--- What victories. Everywhere we have been, they would break up into three teams, with some from the states, some from Mexico City and someone from the one of the churches in each village, going house to house, to unchurched homes, inviting them to come to the fiesta that night, giving them a gift of various things like shampoo, thread etc and then talking to them about the gift God gave in His Son, Jesus. Each day so far at least 21 or more have given their hearts to Christ and have shown up that evening for the fiesta.

The second night I was sitting next to a distinguished white haired man who had been visited in his home and had asked Christ into his heart. He asked me for a Bible and participated in all the activities including doing the actions of songs the Children sang. Others came forward to accept Christ when the invitation was given at the end of each program. The team gave out Bibles for those who had accepted Christ and we gave each pastor material for classes on discipleship for these new babes in Christ.

It has been hot, sticky from humidity, a lot of rain, mud, no place to bathe properly, strange food for most of the team but they seem to be really bonding both with their counterparts from Mexico City but also with the people and families from each village. This has been a very precious outreach.

We first went to Coatlan, then to one of our furtherest villages, Ixcuintepec and today we are in Santa Isabel . Tomorrow morning we leave the mountains early so we can get to San Agustin, at least a six hour drive where they will also go house to house, with a small fiesta for that night. (It took thirteen hours to get to Huatulco because of the roads and other mechanical troubles)

The team had planned to sleep on the beach before catching a bus back to Mexico City another 17 hours on the road before the US group heads back to the states. But because of our delay and Elena Jensen's son Michael who got sick they all stayed at the home I live at in Huatulco but got to San Agustin the next day before catching the bus at 10:30 in the evening.

Most of the team shared with me what a blessing this trip was for them, Becky, one of the adult leaders, shared how she was blessed in spite of extreme pain she suffers daily. I also bonded with many of them and appreciated these young people who had sacrificed to be able to make this trip. They are a very dedicated group desiring to give of their lives for the sake of Christ.

Today, Monday the 17th, Growers First is coming in with a large group and I hope to meet up with them but Armando will travel with them to the Bible School in La Ventosa, then back here to minister in various coastal towns.

Then next week we start the Youth Camp in La Loma. Armando has invited speakers from another Bible School in the northern part of Oaxaca to help with this. We have only received support for 9 youth to attend camp and we hope to have at least 200. Pray with us what you might be able to contribute so we can lift up these young people to strengthen those who are already Christians and lead some of them into full time service for the Kingdom and that we also may have some come to Christ who had never before dedicated their lives to Him. It will cost us about $20 dollars per camper to pay for food, transportation and all the material needed for this camp. You can be a part of this youth ministry by sending extra support to:

Agape Mission Projects
5126 W. Olive Ave. #183,
Glendale, AZ 85302

Be sure and designate your gift for the Youth Camp.

I so appreciate all of you who are supporting this ministry on a regular basis. Because of your giving we have been able to do far more than I had ever dreamed possible here in Oaxaca , Mexico .

God richly bless you!!


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